Tony Shepherd is one of my favourite people in the “online marketing” space. As a fellow Yorkshire man, I love his sense of humour and his direct approach to his teachings. I have been on his list for some time and I can guarantee that I will never unsubscribe from it.
I have recently co-released his Brick Simple Continuity product which I consider to be first class. Tony comes straight the point and he certainly doesn’t follow the pack when it comes to online marketing. I challenge you not to discover at least one “Aha…” moment when reading his work. It’s brilliant.
In this unique training, Tony shows you the best way to run a continuity – or membership – programme. He has been running his own for over a decade and he’s good at it. As he says, “I’ve made six figures a year using these exact strategies”
But don’t just take it from me.
I’ll let Tony tell you more – in his own inimitable style…..